Beef Jerky

Beef Jerky

Regular price $15.99

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There's nothing better than a good piece of perfectly seasoned beef jerky!

MTXBeef currently has 2 flavors that are sure to be a homerun in your household.  

1.  Cowboy Blend - This one has just the basics dusted with salt, pepper and garlic.  Let the beef truly do all the talking and enjoy the goodness with every bite!

2.  Teriyaki Blend - Cure that sweet tooth with our sweet Teriyaki!  This blend is a crowd pleaser with it's candied texture and sweet and smoky flavor profile.

Each bag of jerky is vacuum sealed to ensure freshness and comes in 1/2 lb packages.  All jerky is made with MTXBeef cuts that is beef raised, fed and harvested in the Texas Hill Country.  

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Stock up for the winter with wholes and halves

There's no question that custom whole or half beef is the most economical way to buy MTXBeef. YOU truly are in the driver seat and can fill your freezer this winter for a fraction of the price.

Contact us today and let's brainstorm what we can do to fit your needs best.

Email or click the link below to learn more.

Check out our Whole and Half Beef

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