New York Strip

New York Strip
New York Strip
New York Strip
New York Strip
New York Strip
Load image into Gallery viewer, New York Strip
Load image into Gallery viewer, New York Strip
Load image into Gallery viewer, New York Strip
Load image into Gallery viewer, New York Strip
Load image into Gallery viewer, New York Strip

Regular price $39.99

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only -3 left in stock

If you usually skip over the New York strip steaks in the grocery stores we can understand why.  Usually, when not aged properly or harvested from good genetics, a New York strip steak can leave you feeling unsatisfied. 

With MTXBeef we may be able to change your mind about skipping over these delicious cuts.  We dry age our beef for a minimum of 14 days, then further wet age in the cooler for at least another 14 days.  This process, and good genetics your MTXBeef New York strips are sure to leave you more than satisfied!  

This beef cut is available in whole loin, standard cuts, portioned cuts, and further dry aged cuts.  


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Stock up for the winter with wholes and halves

There's no question that custom whole or half beef is the most economical way to buy MTXBeef. YOU truly are in the driver seat and can fill your freezer this winter for a fraction of the price.

Contact us today and let's brainstorm what we can do to fit your needs best.

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